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Rise City Church is…

A multi-ethnic, multi-generational church plant in Owings Mills MD, that is stirring a movement to reflect the hope, dignity, and love of Jesus toward everyone we encounter. Our body worships God enthusiastically, reaches the missing compassionately, and serves others joyfully. We are a church of real people with an unreal faith in Christ’s ability to raise our city to life.

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“We are a church of real people with an unreal faith in Christ’s ability to raise our city to life.”

Luke Casagrande, Lead Pastor


Pastor Luke and his wife Kelly Casagrande were both raised in the Baltimore area and have a deep love for their city. Pastor Luke has been involved in full time vocational ministry for over 12 years and Kelly has served in Education in our city schools for over 15 years. Several years ago, the Casagrandes felt a strong call to church plant in the Baltimore area. God has given them a vision to see individuals, households, and communities rising up as the love of Jesus began touching hearts and healing the city. With this vision they made a decision to step out in faith as a family to plant Rise City Church in the city of Owings Mills. 

-Luke and Kelly Casagrande